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Memory problems

I see memory problems both in an old KA9Q version (900810) that I'm actually
using right now, and kh113014 (worse).  The setup is that I'm using both
of these as ethernet terminals to talk to a unix box, with no radios
attached (though radio is configured in both packages).

Primary symptom is that on a telnet session, if the unix box outputs a lot
without any input from the user, the ka9q package locks up and needs to be
rebooted (sometimes it will restart from "exit" then "net", but I don't trust
it).  Since this leaves a session hanging on the unix box it isn't too great.
This occurs on both versions.

The g1emm version also has a bug in ftp that isn't in the older ka9q version,
the older one gets about 20k bytes/sec in image mode (slow but tolerable),
while the g1emm gets 4K bytes/sec at best.  The old one stays that way forever,
but the g1emm one transfers about 400-500K then drops to about 1.5k bytes/sec.
If one does a mem st at this point, one finds yellow garbage collects and lots
of Ibuf fails.

Hardware and driver setup is Clarkson driver (v7 I think) with wd8003e board.

-- Pete (K6JRR)
   pete@puffin.uucp   (grian!puffin!pete@elroy.jpl.nasa.gov for those without
                        uucp routers)

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1991/msg00014.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
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