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TCP-group 1991

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TNC-1 in 300 bps KISS mode

Hello all,

Thanks to all who responded to my 300 bps KISS problem. I got the clue from
toth!dave@ria.ccs.uwo.ca (who seems te be unrechable for me, at least I got
my message to him back 'undeliverable'), who advised me to set the TXTAIL
to about 200 milliSeconds. I am using the PA0GRI version of KISS for the
TNC-1, and it seems, that the transmitter it not held in transmit state
long enough to send out the complete packet-frame. Holding the transmitter
ON for an extra 200 mS cured the problem.

73 de
  / /   /
 /-/ __/ __/ ____
/ / (_/ (_/ / / /

|Please send your reply to:               |Where  |Mac  |Software  |
|TNO ZP-LAN:adam@tnoal1  (|office |SE   |NCSATelnet|
|  internet:adam@tnoal1.tno.nl            | same  |same |  same    |
|        or:pa2aga@tnoal1.tno.nl          | same  |same |  same    |
|    bitnet:gaalen@hdetno51.bitnet        | same  |same |DynaComm  |
| Ham-radio:pa2aga@pa2aga   ( |at home|IIx  |NET/Mac   |
|        or:pa2aga@pa2aga-1 (|at home|Plus |NET/Mac   |
|        or:pa2aga@pa2aga-2 (|at home|512Ke|NET/Mac   |
|        or:pa2aga@pi8mac   (|at home|SE/30|NET/Mac   |

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1991/msg00019.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
Created 2004-12-21. Last modified 2004-12-21. Your visit 2025-02-28 16:13.03. Page created in 0.0238 sec.
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