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TCP-group 1991

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NCPA Downlink newsletters available

I've placed the Spring, Summer, and Fall issues of the NCPA Downlink (the
newsletter of the Northern California Packet Association) in the incoming
directory of thumper.bellcore.com

They are compressed PostScript files, with this name mapping:

Issue           for unix        for PC

Spring '90      DL2.ps.Z        dl2.zip
Summer '90      DL3.ps.Z        dl3.zip
Fall '90        DL4.ps.Z        dl4.zip

Both versions contain the same .ps file, just in slightly different binary
form for FTPing convenience.

Briefly, the NCPA represents the Northern California packeteers, and the
information in the newsletter reflects this slant.  Since it is a quarterly,
it doesn't have much timely information (some of us would like to think that
the content of our newsletters is timeless... ;-).  Since one of the major
goals of NCPA is education, we thought that by disseminating our newletter to
the amateur population at large we would better fulfill our goals.
We will release our newsletter in electronic form each quarter when we
have the next quarter's newsletter completed.  So, our members currently have
the Winter edition, and we'll release the Winter edition electronically when
our Spring '91 issue is ready, for example.  So the electronic edition will
be one quarter behind.

I would like to announce the availability of these newsletters on info-packet
and info-hams, but I wonder if there are any sites out there that would be
willing to be the FTP site?  (I put stuff on thumper cautiously, as that
arrangement should, I feel, benefit this tcp-group).

Also, THIS IS NOT A MEMBERSHIP DRIVE, or anything of that sort!  We just want
to get some information out to the packet community.  Of course, if you want
to join NCPA, you're welcome to do that, and timely paper copies of the NCPA
Downlink will be mailed to you.

Mainly, if you and the folks you give copies to end up benefiting ham radio
packet, we all will win!

-Mike k3mc

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1991/msg00048.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
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