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TCP-group 1991

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G1EMM 113016: Honey, I Shrank the .EXE

Dick Mead, WB6NGC, and Martin Freiss, DG5KX, both came up with the answer
to why my .EXE was 660K: I was compiling in debugging info inadvertently.

Seems I'd built the Turbo C config file by changing the integrated
environment settings and then running TCCONFIG on it. The online environment
settings had debugging code turned on by default.

Fixing that made my .EXE file 345K, and 160K after PKLITEing it.

Unfortunately, the whole exercise didn't get me much more available memory
on the DG1; after a few minutes, it's gotten itself an 88K heap, with 2700
bytes of core remaining. The good news is that it'll do about three things
at once noe before running out of heap. This is with just about everything
turned off, and represents about the maximal configuration the DG1 will

Phil, are you planning on integrating RSPF into the stock code? If/when
you do, I'll probably switch back on the DG1...

...Jay, K5ZC

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1991/msg00202.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
Created 2004-12-21. Last modified 2004-12-21. Your visit 2025-02-28 16:20.44. Page created in 0.0179 sec.
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