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DesqView - timeslice giveback

Flush with success giving time back to DesqView (it's trivial) in
a server program, it occurs to me that for some NOS, NET, WNOS, whatever
users that are using DV it would be nice if they (in my case WNOS) would
give back time to DesqView when it's in a waiting for action sort of mode.
I run several things simultaneously under DV and would like to add the
DV support code (at the moment to WNOS3A9).  I have added packet drivers
to bring that up to 5 for my situation and that too was successful.

Questions: 1) Has anybody done this already?  Does it (DV support) exist
              in other expressions of TCPIP?
           2) Could suggestions be made as to the most beneficial places
              to do the give back?
I discovered, as an example, that in my server code where there is a
test to see if someone is connected to the server the DV give back was
a good idea, BUT if someone is using the server, there is a deliberate
3 second delay loop to be sure everything gets flushed before I close
up shop and that I could allow DV to go to something else while
I wait.

Any input will be appreciated.  Thanks.
73 de KK4L

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1992/msg00150.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
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