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TCP-group 1992

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Co-Pro bug?

I can attest to the fact that NOS works with math coprocessors.  I have
run lots of different versions on my 386/387 system without trouble.
In addition, NOS has no floating point operations anywhere within it,
neither accessing a real chip nor an emulator.  In fact, I have had no
trouble running NOS in one DesqView window while running another math
intensive task, such as a satellite tracking program, in another window,
as long as the proper DVP flags were set.

I also have run NOS on a 286/287 system, which I sold to Rick N1HID and
on which he has lately run my releases of GRINOS.  My GRINOS executables
have also been run without trouble by Jim KF1T (76666.425@CompuServe.COM)
on an 8088/8087 system, which he uses for nothing other than NOS and for
satellite tracking, although not at the same time.

-- Mike Bilow, <mikebw@ids.jvnc.net>  (Internet)
               N1BEE @ KA1RCI.RI.USA.NA  (AX.25)

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1992/msg00199.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
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