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TCP-group 1992

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Newer bits NOS 1.9d

After finding that the multiple path for ftpusers did not work anymore
for ftp and mailbox. i fixed it in NOS.19d (yestrday was 1.9c)
Also sending mail from the bbs can be controlled with mbox secure for
non ax25/netrom connects. When set internetters can not use the
gateway and not send mail in the bbs. SMTP forwarding still funtions as always.
Please find the bits (NOS_1229.*) at hamradio/packet/ka9q/incoming/ at ucsd.edu
and wb3ffb and gvdgpc XBBS systems.
I still get mail send to my OLD home address. PLEASE NOTE i moved 2 YEARS ago:
My new (!!) ;-) address is :
  Gerard J van der Grinten
  Elzenlaan 8
  3465 TJ  Driebruggen
 phone: 0(31)3487-1606
Internet: gvdg@cdc.com                  |     Gerard J van der Grinten
UUCP:     gvdgpc!gvdg                   |     Control Data Bv.
Telephone: 0(+31)-70-3119703            |     Van Markenlaan 5
                                        |     2805 VL RIJSWIJK    Netherlands

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1992/msg00212.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
Created 2004-11-12. Last modified 2004-11-12. Your visit 2025-02-28 15:23.17. Page created in 0.018 sec.
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