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TCP-group 1992

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WNOS3 Mailbox Add-ons

Hi Folks,

With all the discussion on the NOS mailbox features I just thought
I'd mention two features that I've integrated into the UK version
of WNOS3....

1) SMTP header stripping.

        SMTP mail forwarded onto AX.25 (both bulletins and P mail)
        now has all SMTP headers stripped this relieving the strain
        on the BBS network a little!

2) Local R: header

        A locally generated Mailbox R: header now gets prepended to
        all mbox forwarded mail (again both B and P mail). Two new
        commands "forward nic" and "forward info" are used to set
        the local NIC and the "location text" of the form

        R:date/time @:<mycall><nic> <info> (TCP/IP<->NTS)

        <mycall> is stripped of its SSID

        This at least gives the BBS network the opportunity to
        know of your HA through the local R: line.

These mods originated from G6PHF and G3UVQ. I'll see about getting
the source files for these changes to an archive site. Please don't
ask me to send them to you for the moment. I'll announce when they
are ready.

PS: I'll shortly be uploading the new set of documentation for
    WNOS3 too. Again, I'll announce to the group when they're

73. Mike (G6DHU)

|                                                | Michael Chace            |
| e-mail   :  mikec@praxis.co.uk                 | PraXis Systems           |
|                                                | Manvers Street           |
| AMPRNET:  g6dhu@g6dhu.ampr.org   [] | Bath,  Avon              |
| AX.25  :  G6DHU @ G6DHU-2 or G6DHU @ GB7IMB    | BA1 1PX           UK     |
| Phone  :  (44) [0]225 444700                   |                          |

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1992/msg00251.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
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