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TCP-group 1994

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Re: Achieving regulation by b...

                               Merry Christmas
             ______                 and
             ³    ³             Happy New Year             *
             ³    ³                                       /v\
          ___######___        From: Karl K5DI             /V\
 PEACE      /  o o \             and Family              /VVV\
           (    v   )    ³³³³³       in                 *VVVVV*
   õ        \  --- /     ³³³³³  Las Cruces, NM          /VVVVV\
    \      /÷÷÷÷&÷÷÷\     \³/                          *VVVVVVV*
     \___/      o     \ ___V     Best of 73           /VVVVVVVVV\
        |       o      |   ³                         *VVVVVVVVVVV*
   AND  |       o      |   ³  k5di@k5di.nm.usa.na  /VVVVVVVVVVVVV\
GOODWILL \      o     /    ³                       *VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV*
           \        /      ³                               º

On Sat, 17 Dec 1994 N8BLK@aol.com wrote:

> The FCC in addition to having bandwidth restrictions on amateur frequencies
> also has mode restrictions on HF.  I don't think you can use "digital" modes
> on voice with the possible exception SSTV.

	SSTV is a case in point. It is most certainly a data mode. I 
don't think the FCC has ever passed a ruling down on SSTV but just let it 
run. I think it too should be talked about with FCC when we talk "proven 

> Since you're in the U.S., U.S. rules apply, RTTY & DATA on 20 meters are
> limited to 14.00 14.15, precluding your plan apparently.  Of course, 14.54
> isn't in the amateur band at all, but I assume you meant 14.154, which is.

	Yes sorry but that was ANOTHER ERROR! 14.154 lower sideband was 
the correct thing to write.

>  Please note though that the rules in 97.305(b) state that brief
> transmissions for test purposes may be made for experimental purposes with
> the exception of pulse transmissions.  Good luck!
	Thank god we are using brief transmissions of FM...

> (art clemons)
-karl k5di

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1994/msg00114.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
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