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TCP-group 1995

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jnos and popmail

We have a PC set up to be a server running JNOS. Right now, we send mail to 
a user at the server, call@server. The rewrite file on the server changes 
the to: field to be call@call.ampr.org. Smtp then will resend the mail to 
the user's JNOS. This works, but it is very dirty, since the server may 
spend several minuets trying to contact several users JNOS that are not on 
the air every time the SMTP timer pops. We would prefer to use POPMAIL so 
that the user JNOS is contacting the server and asking for mail. We have 
configured popmail on the server and user JNOS and the user popmail logs in 
to ther server O.K, but never finds any mail (smtp rewrite file removed from 
server). Where does the mail need to go on the server? Do we need some other 
kind of rewrite file, etc. If we telnet to the server and get into the BBS, 
mail is there!

73 -- John 
                               /       |
   John W. Martin             /        |   INTERNET:
   Network Workgroup Manager /         |   martin@cdpa.state.ms.us
   Mississippi Central Data  |    C    |   oamartin@vm.cc.olemiss.edu
    Processing Authority     \    D    |   
   301 North Lamar Street     |   P    |   
   301 Building, Suite 508    /   A    |   
   Jackson, MS 39201-1495    /         |   PHONE: (601) 359-2641
                            |______    |   FAX:   (601) 354-6016
                                  /    |

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1995/msg00028.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
Created 2005-01-02. Last modified 2005-01-02. Your visit 2025-02-28 16:31.26. Page created in 0.0272 sec.
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