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TCP-group 1995

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wnos version 950109 uploaded

Ok I have today UPLOADED to ftp.ucsd.edu and for the UK hams
to ftp.demon.co.uk or what ever its called []
files are in the ../incoming dirs. on the systems.
files to look for are:-
wnos-950109.exe  the example precompiled binary.
wnos-950109.src.zip  the full src code

Again Note ONLY use Borlandc C++ version 2.00 with the Libfixes
we only develop the code useing this compiler Because we are poor
students and cant afford the Cost of a new compiler.!

Oh Thanks the hard work of Armin dg1zx you now  have Full Trace of
FLEXNET traffic routeing and compresses headers!!

Enjoy   Barry GM8SAU/DC0HK

PS the source file names on ftp.ucsd.edu may differ due to bad uploads!
but its finally there.

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1995/msg00041.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
Created 2005-01-02. Last modified 2005-01-02. Your visit 2025-02-28 16:41.50. Page created in 0.0272 sec.
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