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TCP-group 1995

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Re: Radios for higher speeds

In Gary Crum's message of 18 Feb 1995 at 2250 MST, he writes:
> Here's a timely topic:  the PacComm SPRINT-2 packet controller.  Just
> received one yesterday, for a local group.  It is TNC2-compatible, and via
> jumper settings can be set to terminal and modem/radio speeds of 9600bps and
> 38400bps.  This is the SPRINT-2 NODE.  The SPRINT-2 BACKBONE model comes with
> primary and secondary filters set to 38400bps and 57600bps, as opposed to the
> 9600/38400 filters in the NODE model.
> Hope to see more discussion about radios accomodating G3RUH modems set for
> 38400bps and 57600bps, i.e. 60KHz and 100KHz bandwidth usage.  Has anyone
> done it, microwave or not?
> (Comments on the Kantronics KPC-9612 and other new products are of interest,
> too!)

If the G3RUH modem can push 38.4K BPS or 57.6K BPS, with a
PacComm SPRINT-2 packet controller, then I feel sure that radios like
the D4-10 and TEKKs could be modified to work with them...at least I
would hope they might be.

I run 19.2K Baud with a PI2 card and D4-10 which is soooooo much
better than 1200 baud but running 57.6K might mean you could run
Mosaic over ham frequencies or at least FTP down a file in a *flash*.

Does anyone know if PacComm is reachable via the Internet?  Brian
Lantz, do you know?

73 all,  Walt

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1995/msg00141.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
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