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TCP-group 1995

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Re: What Gives

Dan Turner, WA4BRO sez:

>I have been running grinos on a mulitport system for some years without
>much problem.  I decided to update to Jnos and in doing so I have one
>port that I just can't get to talk. I am running 3 ports as NRS and
>linking with BPQ on other machines. All ports are running 16550's and
>all but one are running FULL null modem cables. The one that WILL NOT
>work under JNOS is on a 3 wire cable, due to it's REMOTE location within
>the house. It works fine under GRINOS, but will only talk a couple of
>frames before freezing up under JNOS.
>After the freeze, I reload grinos and it talks fine. I have tried about
>every PARAM I could think of in JNOS, but always the same lock up after
>a couple of frames, OR none at all.  Did something change in the drivers
>in JNOS ??? Do I need more wires?? for Jnos ??

As I understand, most versions of JNOS 1.10 require that CTS be high for the
port to operate.  You can either connect the RTS and CTS through to the
whatever is connected to the port, or just loop RTS to CTS in the RS-232
plug connected to the serial port card.

This was a recent problem with a friend's system here, too.

Terry Conboy  N6RY  tconboy@uswnvg.com  vm:206-450-8388  fax:206-450-8399
Does not speak for U S WEST, AirTouch, TOMCOM, or PCS PrimeCo L.P.

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1995/msg00229.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
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