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TCP-group 1992

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Win3/NOS (more info)

A few additional notes on my windows installation -

  My system has 256K of CPU cache and I am using a Diamond Speedstar VGA.
Screen writes are much faster than a normal VGA but a board that would do
the windows in hardware, like the Farenheit 1280 by Orchid would be much

 If anyone uses the AfterDark screen saver routines, like the flying toasters,
on this system they fly by so fast that it is hard to see them. Also the fish
and seaweed seem unreal due to there fast speed. Does anyone know how to slow
this down? I have NOS running in the background doing Xfer's with no difference.

By the way NOS is doing pings to my other machine right now. I will go over and
copy a section of the ping from that window.

  288       288  100        25        13        25
  289       289  100        35        16        24
  290       290  100        27        17        21
  291       291  100        38        20        21
  292       292  100        49        24        23
  293       293  100        12        23        20

Well I did not get a header but it shows 293 out of 293 for 100% with a
<30 ms avg RTT.

Now I will open a DOS window and get some info pasted into this document

NOS is running in another DOS window.

   651264 bytes total conventional memory
   651264 bytes available to MS-DOS
   613552 largest executable program size

  1671168 bytes total EMS memory
   442368 bytes free EMS memory

  3145728 bytes total contiguous extended memory
        0 bytes available contiguous extended memory
  1048576 bytes available XMS memory
          MS-DOS resident in High Memory Area

Now here is a list of the E: drive which was 'subst' for the
c:\tcpip directory

 Volume in drive E is DOS
 Volume Serial Number is 16DB-B261
 Directory of E:\

.            <DIR>     12-28-91  10:38p
..           <DIR>     12-28-91  10:38p
SPOOL        <DIR>     12-28-91  11:19p
TMP          <DIR>     12-29-91   1:42a
3C501    COM      4451 02-11-91   1:41p
AUTOEXEC NET      1560 12-29-91   1:59a
BM       EXE     37666 07-29-89  10:30p
BM       RC       1215 12-29-91   1:28a
DOMAIN   TXT     16370 12-28-91  11:59a
FTPUSERS            53 12-28-91  12:40p
NOS      EXE    170516 11-01-91  12:17a
UNIXNET  CPI    422073 12-31-91  11:38p
WINPKT   COM      3660 12-08-91   1:03a
NET      BAT        88 12-31-91  11:25p
       16 file(s)     658798 bytes
                    29700096 bytes free

E:\>type net.bat
3c501 -w 0x7c 5 0x300
nos \autoexec.net

C:\WINDOWS>type \config.sys
device=c:\qemm6\qemm386.sys ram rom
DEVICE=c:\qemm6\loadhi.sys /r:1 c:\star\util\eansi.sys
shell=c:\nu\ndos.com c:\nu /u /p

C:\WINDOWS>type c:\autoexec.bat
SET COMSPEC=c:\nu\ndos.com
c:\nu\ncache /install /exp=1024,256 /usehigh=on /report=on
SET TMP=c:\tcpip\tmp
loadhi \star\util\vmode monitor
loadhi \mouse\mouse
image /noback

Well now that I have done all of that pasting moving back
and forth between a DOS window and Editor lets see what
the NOS ping is up to...

Pinging (; data 1000 interval 1000 ms:
      sent      rcvd    %       rtt   avg rtt      mdev
       860       860  100         7         0        15
       861       861  100        24         3        17
       862       862  10042949672664294967295        21
       863       863  100         6         0        18
       864       864  10042949672724294967293        20
       865       865  100         54294967294        17
       866       866  10042949672874294967293        15
       867       867  100         94294967295        14
       868       868  100        15         1        15

This shows a problem that sometimes happens but does not make
anything not work. The RTT's in the 20-30ms range are what I
would expect but notice the occasional false big value.

Keep in mind that this system could really be optimized much more.
Specifically more RAM. I do not even have a RAM disk set up. Additional
RAM would also allow better disk Caching.

Here is an example of FTP Xfer. The first xfer was in the foreground. The
second was in the Background. Not sure why the background was faster but
may be due to loading on the other system, which is rather busy at the moment.

230 Logged in as anonymous, restrictions apply
ftp> cd tcpip/unix
257 "/pub/tcpip/unix" is current directory
ftp> dir unix*.*
200 Port command okay
150 Opening data connection for LIST /pub/tcpip/unix/unix*.*
unixbm.cpi       33,032 10:47 11/06/91   unixnet.cpi     422,073  2:48 11/06/91
2 files. 19,597,312 bytes free. Disk size 42,661,888 bytes.
LIST unix*.*: 140 bytes in 0 sec (2089/sec)
226 File sent OK
ftp> type i
ftp> get unixnet.cpi
200 Type i OK
200 Port command okay
150 Opening data connection for RETR /pub/tcpip/unix/unixnet.cpi
RETR unixnet.cpi: 422073 bytes in 13 sec (31782/sec)
226 File sent OK

ftp> get unixnet.cpi
200 Port command okay
150 Opening data connection for RETR /pub/tcpip/unix/unixnet.cpi
RETR unixnet.cpi: 422073 bytes in 12 sec (33455/sec)
226 File sent OK

I am really starting to like this system. Now if we really make NOS a windows
application?? But it really works nice the way it is.

The Nos Version is PA0GRI ver. 1.7j which is not based on Phils latest release.


Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1992/msg00010.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
Created 2004-11-12. Last modified 2004-11-12. Your visit 2025-01-29 06:12.33. Page created in 0.0185 sec.
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