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TCP-group 1992

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TTYLINK Question

> >>>Has anybody tweaked the ttylink code to allow a ttylink connection (telnet
> >>>port 87) to be re-directed to a COM# async port? My reason for wanting this

> >>>is to allow access to a RS232-equipped instrument to be accessed over the
> >>>network.
> >I'm working on making a telnet to port 23 do this.  Basically, turning ka9q
> >into a modem or async host (or whatever you want to attach) server.
> It is possible to connect to the mailbox by AX.25 or telnet and issue
> the sysop ("@") command.  If the proper bit mask is set in the FTPUSERS
> file so that the user has sysop privileges, this command gives remote
> access to the "net>" prompt.  It is then legal to make routing changes,
> start and stop processes, and so forth, as long as the commands issued

So I assume you could do what we want by using the @ command and then the
tip command.  The result is that a user coming in on a telnet conenction can
talk directly to an async port?

Of course the @ command really give the user to much control - my code
will just automatically connect someone to a free async port.

> Do you really want a remote user to have to capability to send raw data
> directly to an interface?  This starts to get far afield of what most

Yes, a modem server or a connection to some async only host can be
very useful.

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1992/msg00062.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
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