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TCP-group 1995

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New TAPR FTP and WWW site

The following is forwarded from Greg Jones for the benefit of those who are
not on the tapr-bb list:

TAPR announces new FTP and WWW site                Jan 25, 1995

TAPR is proud to announce the opening of 'ftp.tapr.org' and 'www.tapr.org'.
Both of these resources are available now.


Our new ftp site will allow full access to the TAPR software library while
providing space for SIGs, on-going projects, and access to the various files
and information that had been available only on listserv@tapr.org.

Access is available for anonymous login, using a password of
'your_account@your_address'.  When accessing, all files and subdirectories
are available in the tapr sub-directory.

   dsp93/            (files regarding the TAPR/AMSAT dsp-93 project)
   projects/         (closed area for on-going TAPR projects)
   taprinfo.txt       file on tapr general info
   general/          (general file regarding packet radio)
      9600baud/         (files regarding 9600 baud)
   psr/              (text versions of back issues of the PSR)
   utils/            (general utils)
   SIG/              (SIG directory, contains files, and will contain
      aprssig/         archives in the future)
   info/             (TAPR information)
      kit/              (information, prices, orderform, on kits)
   software_lib/     (TAPR software library)

ftp.tapr.org will continue to develop in the coming weeks as more files from
previous systems are brought on-line.  


With the new site comes an expanded and more dynamic set of WWW pages.
While the initial pages will look somewhat like the old pages, we will not
be under the limitations we were with the original site.  Howie, N2WX, will
continue to manage the pages.

You can reach the TAPR WWW pages at 'http://www.tapr.org/tapr'

If you have comments or suggestions, Howie can be reached via the home page.


As a reminder, this site is made possible by those who support TAPR as
members.  TAPR would like to thank the membership for there support and
without whose membership, the money for this site would not have been
possible.  While Internet is a great resource for all, the money for this
type effort must be generated.  Membership is that device.

Bob Nielsen                Internet: nielsen@primenet.com
Tucson, AZ                 AMPRnet: w6swe@crc.w6swe.ampr.org

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1995/msg00091.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
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