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RE:using Kantronics KPC-9612 at

 Gary Crum wrote:
>Maybe it is just a defective KPC-9612, since Kantronics seems to think that
>this TNC+radio combination should work.  I thought I'd send out a message here
>to see if anyone else has experience with the KPC-9612 at 9600bps, or perhaps
>even with the TM-733A specifically.  The next step would be to send back the
>KPC-9612 for repair, I think.

You should be able to play with some jumpers a  get the tx data to go
right back to the
modem. The DRSI-96k does that. Infact that is the way they recommend
it to make sure it works when you get it. I am pretty sure that the 9612
has the same
test jumpers. If not just jumper the tx sig out to the rx sig in. That
should be very easy to do at the connector end.. Then you can look at the
wave forms and see what happens. You can set these things up without a
scope but the first time you do it
it sure helps to have one.

I would try the above test first.. I could save you a long wait and
disappointment is it turns out the tnc is ok.

Mike Duvall

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1995/msg00180.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
Created 2005-01-02. Last modified 2005-01-02. Your visit 2025-02-28 16:23.22. Page created in 0.0181 sec.
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