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TCP-group 1995

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Re: using Kantronics KPC-9612 at

Duvall, Michael J. wrote:
> You should be able to play with some jumpers a  get the tx data to go
> right back to the
> modem. The DRSI-96k does that. Infact that is the way they recommend
> testing
> it to make sure it works when you get it. I am pretty sure that the 9612
> has the same

**** I have a DRSI-96K.  I have not yet been able to make it play on the
air.  It works in loopback mode, and with the aid of that mode and a friend's
spectrum analyzer, I was able to make it transmit properly.  ( We calibrated
the transmitter with a signal generator and observed the Bessel nulls on
the analyzer ).

   But Receiving is a horse of another color altogether.  There are three
pots that need to be adjusted to optimize receive BER, while observing
an eye pattern.

   It looks like I shall have to

    * Make up a special cable that lets transmit data go to a signal
generator, while receive data still comes from the receiver.

    *  Go to my friend's lab and use his Wavetek synthesized signal generator,
       which has an FM input

    *  Output the signal generator into my transceiver and then hook up the
       scope to the eye pattern test points....

   All this to participate in 9k6 ax25 BBS activity....   Which doesn't
interest me much.  Does anybody know if there's 9k6 tcpip action on 2
meters in the Bay Area?  I know there's something going on, on 440....

Also, is there anybody who could do an on-the-air test with me so I could
align this TNC?   It would save me a trip to my friend's lab.  I do have a
dual-trace scope, now if I could only dig up three probes :-).

  I understand that the new Kantronics TNC has a BER test pin.  Wow, that's
a neat feature!

                          - Jerry Kaidor, KF6VB ( jerry@tr2.com,
( also jerry@kf6vb.ampr.org, but that only works if you're line of sight to
  me :-\ )

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1995/msg00181.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
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