www.a00.de > tcpgroup > 1995 > msg00186

TCP-group 1995

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jnos multi-port routing

The setup: Two jnos stations, each with a 1200 baud port and a 2400 baud port.

The question: Is there any way to set the routing so that the 2400 baud port
is tried first? Or is it required to have 2 ip addresses and names for each
JNOS? We would prefer not to have to have 2 IP addresses per JNOS. Would the
metric in the route command do what we want?

route add station1 2400b direct 0
route add station1 1200b direct 1

Does JNOS change the metric if the 2400b interface doesn't get a contact?
How many times will the 2400b interface be tried before the 1200b interface
is tried?

Thanks, John kb5ggo
                               /       |
   John W. Martin             /        |   INTERNET:
   Network Workgroup Manager /         |   martin@cdpa.state.ms.us
   Mississippi Central Data  |    C    |   oamartin@vm.cc.olemiss.edu
    Processing Authority     \    D    |
   301 North Lamar Street     |   P    |
   301 Building, Suite 508    /   A    |
   Jackson, MS 39201-1495    /         |   PHONE: (601) 359-2641
                            |______    |   FAX:   (601) 354-6016
                                  /    |

Document URL : http://www.a00.de/tcpgroup/1995/msg00186.php
Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at a00.de > [don't send spam]
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